Help Define the Veson Roadmap
At Veson Nautical, we greatly value and appreciate feedback from our client community. Help influence and guide our future development by submitting feature suggestions and voting on items that are valuable to your organization.
Features and comments are moderated regularly, usually within 24 hours of submission. Veson moderators add tags for easier searching and filtering.
Features with over 20 votes are evaluated by Veson both for alignment with the existing Roadmap, and for the size and impact on the development schedule. If a feature is accepted, the status will change to “Planned” and it will be tagged with the projected calendar quarter where development will occur.
If a suggestion does not garner more than 10 votes after three months, it will be set to status "Archived". Items that receive 10+ votes within three months will remain on the board and be sized once they reach 20 votes, as above.
Features and comments are moderated regularly, usually within 24 hours of submission. Veson moderators add tags for easier searching and filtering.
Features with over 20 votes are evaluated by Veson both for alignment with the existing Roadmap, and for the size and impact on the development schedule. If a feature is accepted, the status will change to “Planned” and it will be tagged with the projected calendar quarter where development will occur.
If a suggestion does not garner more than 10 votes after three months, it will be set to status "Archived". Items that receive 10+ votes within three months will remain on the board and be sized once they reach 20 votes, as above.
Add bulk approval port disbursement form and show the invoice amounts.
In approver side, we suggest having a list of port disbursements with amount/value information and we can set up a certain limit value to be approve as a bulk, so it ...
Veslink Forms - Ability To Add Attachments
It would be useful to be able to add attachments to Veslink Forms, in particular when using the Port Agent Portal. The key use case would be for Port Disbursements so ...
Ability to view P&L impact before approving Veslink forms
Before an operator approves a Veslink form, we'd like the system to let the operator know if approving said form will affect the P&L, and if so, what the new P&L will ...
AIS updates
Noon reports submitted from vessel should be replace with AIS data.
Voyage status can automagically trigger a vessel to update Voyage and also to drop off the list.
Show multiple port agent contacts with easy viewing in Voyage instruction
Suggestions / requests are
1) Show multiple port agent e-mail addresses with easy viewing in Voyage instruction
2) Show multiple phone numbers with easy viewing in ...
Add a visual indication for Forms received
As is available on the Tasks icon, add a number on Forms so an Operator knows at a glance if there are outstanding Forms (NoonReport) to be approved.
PDF creation for Voyage Orders/Instructions
Having the possibility to choose whether you want to send out Voyage Instructions as PDF or as normal email
Transshipments - Mother and Daughter vessels should be allowed to operate at the same time
We had a situation where our carrier claimed an owner's option transshipment. The carrier sent a barge to Port A to pick up a cargo while the mothership went to Port ...
Users/Groups with access to all Veslink forms should automatically have access to new forms
If a user/group in Veslink already has access to all forms (i.e. the "All" checkbox is selected under "Form Access" in Voyage Reporting Security), they should ...
Ability to delete forms
If forms come in with errors / are superseded by newer forms, it would be great to be able to delete them from the system. It gets confusing for users when there are ...
Veslink Error Messages - Better descriptions and guidance
The crew onboard the vessels are often experiencing error messages when submitting Veslink forms. The error messages are not very descriptive and doesn't provide any ...
Notifications in Veslink for Old forms
Notifications in Veslink when a report is submitted using an old form also for reports on auto-approval.
Route Veslink Error messages back to the vessels for correction
In the current Veslink (v2.0) system, when Veslink forms fail to get imported into, the error messages are routed to a fixed email address. This fixed ...
Port Disbursement Form - To visible the fields of Advance Percentage & Advance Payment in Agent Port
Port Disbursement Form - To visible the fields of Advance Percentage & Advance Payment in Agent Portal in order to allow agent to enter the values. As the these two ...
Include some way to be able to tell who approved a form
Any number of people with the correct access can approve any form. When forms are incorrectly approved/rejected, its not possible to figure out who did the approval. ...
Improve Veslink Forms - more options for editing and customizing Veslink Forms
Currently the ability to customize or edit the format of the Custom forms is very limited.
These forms would be very useful, if they are improved. The functionality ...
Company Logo on Veslink Forms
Simple add IMOS clients company logo/Name as default to Veslink Forms. Easy identifier for masters to see current charter. We have seen examples of masters sending ...
Veslink Forms Not Updating Existing Delay line items
When correcting delays, users have the habits to re-open existing Delay-Off-Hire forms, correct the values within it and approve it again. As a consequence, instead ...
Veslink forms: more options for rule settings
Currently in the creation of Veslink forms we have very limited functionalities in respect of setting validation rules. Currently the validation can be set only on ...
Improving the Veslink Voyage Reporting - missing unique identifiers
Difficult to determine the correct vessel due to missing unique identifiers (define & send forms).
There is a unique identifier field, which is the Vessel Code ...
Show Noon report positions on the map within Voyage manager
When you are focusing on a voyage in Voyage manager, it would be nice to be able to switch to Map view and then see both the planned route and the positions reported ...
Veslink forms: Ability to reject approved forms
As of now once we approved a Veslink form we can't reject it any more and have to contact Vesson Support to do it for us. Could we please have this feature?
Veslink forms: Ability to add a validity field inside table fields.
Would be nice if in Veslink forms we could have a the ability to add a validity tickbox for fields nested inside a table.
As of now you can add a validity ...
Add Form Errors as new searchable column in Forms list views
In order to be able to search and filter for specific error messages, we need to have the Forms Errors available as column in the Forms list views.
IMOS VIP- Veslink forms: Historical information of last submitted appearing on the side.
As of now veslink forms, When opened in VIP for approval, there is no information on what was submitted in the previous form. It would be nice if we could ...
Multiple Main Engines
Ability to identify multiple Main Engines under vessel details (ex. Port ME, STBD ME), track fuel consumption separately between the two, and record separate details ...
Add Alert for Veslink Form Approval
When a Veslink form arrives and is in Pending status, there's no indication from the voyage manager screen that indicates a needed approval. I'm requesting the ...
User specific date/time format in Veslink
Hello to all fellow IMOS VIP users,
I would like to bring forward the following feature request: Standardize the Date/Time setting across IMOS VIP and Veslink. ...
Automatic population of vessels name in emails subject line for Veslink Reports
When creating and submitting Veslink Forms by the vessel the subject line does not automatically reference vessels name. If required the vessels name needs to be ...
Automatically Create Custom Fields When Deploying Veslink Forms
At the moment after you created a Veslink Optimum form in the test environment, and want to promote it to production (after satisfied with the lay-out and successful ...
To have validation rules for Vessel Master
To have validation rules for Vessel Master
Allow NoonReports (Forms) to 'pop-out' so users can view on smaller screens
Currently, when a users opens a NoonReport (Form) there are so many panels that cannot be closed/minimized, that the report is squashed and users with anything less ...
Veslink Forms Cargo Handling Form 'BERTH' name field
In the Cargo Handling Form, The BERTH Field is a free text and if the master enters with a spelling error or there is a mismatch with the BERTH name and does not ...
Ability to configure the cargo handling form to include or show NET BBLs
The Cargo handling table in the Veslink form is a standard table and therefore it is not possible to customize this table and add the 'Product Net' field. I am ...
Improvement of Veslink "Open for Resubmit"
Appreciate if Veson can include more option changes for "Open for Resubmit". I learned from one of your Software Support Analyst that "Open for Resubmit" does not ...
Veslink form revision control
It would be extremely good if Veslink forms can be with revision control. At the moment we are reluctant to change forms and deleting form elements as the data ...
Make it so Form Submission errors show up as a column in the forms list
We see lots of errors with submitted forms. It would be helpful to be able to see the errors in the Forms list view so we can group the errors. Currently, we have to ...
Veslink Forms Master's Name field auto-fill
Veslink onboard forms with a Master’s name field currently require the Captain to fill in his/her name each time they create a new form. We suggest that a function ...
EU ETS - change portactivity control behaviour on veslink forms
To be able to correctly capture and reflect the ROB at port activities , the behavior of the control needs to be changed as by default it deletes all existing port ...
Veslink dark mode
It would be nice if the veslinks can be provided in a dark mode instead of in the light version only. This would benefit the crew on board
Ability to configure Bunkers on Bunkering form and Departure form to be independent from each other
There was one instance where it was observed that if:
1. If a departure form is approved with ROB's higher than the ones on the arrival notice, VIP adds a "received" ...
'Edit Default Sharing' by vessel type
Form Sharing rules to be configurable per Vessel Type.
Vessel Type can be added as an extra field or to be included at the top of the dropdown with the available ...
Selecting CARGO with CP TERM in Veslink Form (CARGO HANDLING FORM) when approve
In case of there are multiple cargos with same cargo grades in CP TERM, Master has to follow CP TERM’s sequence to enter Veslink Form.
(Otherwise, information of CP ...
veslink cargo form - pdf
would like to suggest to display correctly the remark/comment column value when viewing the cargo pdf. AS of now, if the no of characters are more then the cell is ...
Bunkering Form extracts should include a plain-text Fuel Code
The Veslink ‘Bunkering Form’ includes a Fuel Type dropdown in the form itself, but the selected value is not visible as plain-text in either the Report Designer or in ...
Vessel crew to extract customised veslink forms to excel file format
Please could you make it possible for the crew on a vessel to extract a customized Veslink form to excel file format and not just pdf and XML file format.
Improve the Bunker form acceptance criteria
Create a configuration flag to refine IMOS logic to allow Bunker forms to be accepted for bunker payment at any time (similar to cargo handling forms), and for these ...
Enhancement to Voyage Instruction handling
We have created multiple Voyage Instruction forms that we use internally to collect data from Operators and Charterers collectively.
However, current system limits ...