Increase the Viewability of the Itinerary section in the Voyages.

7 votes

Currently the Voyage Main screen has been divided equally between Voyage Main information, Itinerary, Cargoes and Voyage Remarks. Request to allocate more space to the Itinerary section of the Voyage because that is the most important section which the operations team constantly look into.At 100 % zoom only 2 or 3 lines of itinerary can be seen. The Cargoes section or Remarks may be fitted with scroll bar to and a lesser percentage can be allocated on the page. Hoover the Itinerary section should have more space in the screen because the overview of the voyage is constantly being reviewed by Ops team and a greater view is always better.

Archived Suggested by: Sijin John Upvoted: 10 Nov, '20 Comments: 1

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