Managing Performance claims , configuring the SOA and Hire Stmt description for Off Hire

4 votes

Summary Description

Currently the way to handle performance claims, is through the delays section of a voyage.

As a result, in the hire statement, the claim will always appear as Off Hire(which is really not) In some Charter Parties it is not allowed to have off-hire, or you can only deduct 80% of the off-hire , or sometimes it i. Therefore Owners could argue that it cannot be claimed.

A solution would be to adjust the stylesheet of the SOA and Hire Invoice and have the ability to show just the reason and not the activity OFF HIRE

To do that, we need in the XML, to separate the activity and the reason.
Currently, we show it all together in one line under <Description>. If we would split the activity "Off Hire" and Reason "Underperformance" , then we could filter and show one or the other or both.

Another solution would be by creating a new hardcoded delay type called "Performance" , which will behave similar to the off hire functionality.

Under consideration Suggested by: Napoleon Vasileiou Upvoted: 19 Feb, '20 Comments: 1

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