System should be locked for Editing if a user is already working on a particular voyage

5 votes

Suggest that there should be a system locked for Editing in place if a user is already working on a particular voyage, estimate or a fixture. Right now if 1 user is say working on some voyage updating and a 2nd user logins and opens the same voyage at the same time from a different work station, there is no alert or warning in place that notifies the 2nd user that someone is already working on the same voyage and no changes to be made until the 1st user moves out of that particular voyage.
Something on similar lines like working on a shared excel or word file - where if someone has opened that file, any subsequent opening of files shows up an alert window and allows only a "Read only" option of file to be opened.
We are using some other platform for our Port calls Disbursements and they have the above said system in place so I believe same is also achievable by Veson team.

Under consideration Suggested by: Capt Ashraf Mullaji Upvoted: 27 Jul, '20 Comments: 0

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