Fleet Map Enhancements

2 votes

When you search for a vessel, the triangle indicator on the map for the vessel you have searched doesn’t seem to change color or provide indication. i.e. after the search “finds” a vessel, we still have to hover over various red triangles to find which one is the vessel we searched for.

The AIS voyage path isn’t dynamic with the date range. The user has to guess the calendar time frame before they search for a vessel, because changing the calendar date after you select the vessel doesn’t change the length of the voyage path (I thought this was a bug, put in a ticket, and it was communicated that it was desired functionality). Regardless, it doesn’t make the tool easy to use.

For these "find your vessel" type tools, it's usually typical that the tool:
- takes you directly to the vessel you searched for
- allows the user to change the AIS timeframe dynamically

Under consideration maps Suggested by: Lance Nunez Upvoted: 11 Jan, '22 Comments: 0

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