Fleet Map - Do not show last positions of barges or vessels that are marked as inactive

3 votes

Currently, the Fleet Map will not change or retire vessel/barge markers from the fleet map. In effect the vessel/barge will stay indicated on the Fleet Map in perpetuity even if the vessel\barge is no longer in service.

Somewhat related.. The Fleet Map also does not change or retire the vessel/barge markers when the voyage is "completed." Per process, we often stop receiving position indications from the carrier when the voyage is completed. The vessel continues to trade in real life, but on the fleet map, the vessel/barge indication will stay exactly the same (no color change, or disappearance from the Fleet map). So for example, after discharging in Deer Park where the barge was in our service, the barge will always/incorrectly show as being in Deer Park until we bring that barge back into our service... which could be weeks, months, or years. Having the map marker change color or fall off would be helpful.

Under consideration maps Suggested by: Lance Nunez Upvoted: 11 Jan, '22 Comments: 0

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