Improving the Veslink Voyage Reporting - missing unique identifiers

8 votes

Difficult to determine the correct vessel due to missing unique identifiers (define & send forms).

There is a unique identifier field, which is the Vessel Code column, but still, you will need to go to the Data Center first and look up the Vessel in order to determine the correct Vessel Code.
Moreover, VIP does not log the Europe barge registration numbers, it only logs IMO Numbers, which is only relevant for seagoing vessels. Hence, we are restricted to the Deadweight input, in order to identify the correct barge.

A more difficult situation, is when you want to "Send Forms to a Vessel". There is no unique identifier field, not even a Vessel Code. How can you know whether you are sending the correct Forms for the correct barge?
Question here is: can we have a column added in the below overview, with at least the Vessel Code mentioned?

Done veslink voyage reporting Suggested by: Evi Janssens Upvoted: 12 Sep, '22 Comments: 1

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