Automatic population of vessels name in emails subject line for Veslink Reports

3 votes

When creating and submitting Veslink Forms by the vessel the subject line does not automatically reference vessels name. If required the vessels name needs to be added manually to the subject line. The subject line usually looks as follows for Veslink forms being submitted:

Veslink Offline Form Submission: "name of form"

For clarity and overview of incoming Veslink forms automatic population/insertion of the vessels name into the emails subject line when creating the report would be favorable, as example below:

"Vessel name" - "name of form"

or optional

Veslink Offline Form - "vessel name" - "name of form"

The vessels name is available within the form and could be extracted from the form for the subject line ?

Under consideration veslink voyage reporting Suggested by: Stephan G. Upvoted: 25 Apr, '22 Comments: 2

Comments: 2