Sustainability Tab - Addition of EEOI, CO2, LNG calculation parameters and EU ETS Metrics

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1.) EEOI
The EEOI shall be calculated on the Transport work on a leg-by-leg basis, basis the onboard quantity from leg A to leg B, for Laden legs only.

2.) Total Cargo Carried for LNG Vessels
For LNG vessel the cargo quantities are declared in Cubic Meters in our Voyages; not in Metric Tons. Thus the LNG cargo shall be convert from cbm to mt by the factor 0.43, i.e. cmb * 0.43 = mt.

3.) Total Fuel Consumed for LNG Vessels
Same as per above, the LNG consumed shall be calculated based on the cbm*0.43=mt conversion.

4.) Total CO2 emissions (mt)
This shall be calculated on a leg-by-leg basis, and be the sum of the CO2 emissions carried for all the voyage legs. This indicates that for LNG, the cbm quantity of fuel will need to be converted first to mt.

5.) Total distance sailed (miles) (and split between ballast/laden)

6.) EU ETS Regulation metrics to be included in the Sustainability tab.

7. ) AER and CII to take into account above LNG conversion factors

Under consideration sustainability Suggested by: Shipping Performance Executives Team Upvoted: 14 Jun, '23 Comments: 0

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