Addition routes across the Pacific

1 votes

On the Voyage Estimate, IMOS uses shortest distance between two ports. However, IMOS provides the user with Routing options depending on the itinerary.

Chartering would like similar functionality when crossing the Pacific Ocean. They would like to see three options: North Pacific, Middle Pacific & South Pacific routes. We understand that we could setup waypoints in the system. This means the Chartering has to remember to manually add these waypoints into the itinerary.

In the Voyage Estimate, we have a vessel going from Houston to Malaysia. The route IMOS provided us was the Northern arc. This route gave Chartering an estimated P&L of $. The actual route the voyage took was through Hawaii and provided us with a actual P&L of $.

This deviation has caused major variances on our P&L, comparing Est and Act.

If Chartering were aware of these P&L variances between the routes, then they would have been able to adjust freight rates and other costs to make the voyage more profitable.

Under consideration distances Suggested by: James Rocco Upvoted: 31 Jul, '23 Comments: 0

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