Separate Bunker ROB report for All Fast & Unmoored events (EU ETS)

28 votes

We are writing to suggest some enhancements to the event ROB for both All Fast and Unmoored events, particularly with regards to accommodating the EU ETS Berth-to-Berth calculation.
We understand that Veson has enabled ROB for each event in the SOF form. However, we have observed that accepting the Statement of Facts (SOF) form overrides the existing port activities entered by operators for a specific port, with the exception of Departure and Arrival data.

To address this matter, we kindly request Veson to consider implementing a solution. One possible solution is to generate a separate report specifically to capture Arrival and Departure Berth details.

Thank you for considering our feature request. We greatly appreciate your attention to this matter and look forward to any updates or insights you can provide.


Under consideration bunkers carbon Suggested by: Hasan Syed Upvoted: 29 Apr Comments: 1

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