LNG: Ability to define system-wide default Fuel Consumption Mode

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At the moment, system defaults to 'Dual Fuel', while it changes to 'LNG Only' or 'Fuel Only' modes when the vessel is ballast or laden respectively. However the determination of the mode is a commercially driven decision, and not just the vessel condition. For example, LNG is normally cheaper that any other fuel, so 'LNG Only' is the preferred mode and not 'Dual Fuel'.
Ideally we want to be able to control the default mode via a configuration flag, in where we will be selecting the desired mode applicable to any newly created Voyage.
Possible values of this flag: '1' (LNG Only), '2' (Fuel Only), '3' (Dual Fuel)

Under consideration carbon LNG sustainability Suggested by: MS Upvoted: 06 Dec, '23 Comments: 0

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