ECA Zone Fuel Hierarchy

2 votes

Requesting to add a feature for the ECA Fuel Zone settings that will follow the same "backup" fuel hierarchy as defined for the Non-ECA Zone. But only considering the Fuels defined as "Low Sulphur" and not taking the next backup Fuel in the backup hierarchy.

For Example:
We have the following backup fuel Structure:
Fuel A (Low Sulphur), Fuel B, Fuel C, Fuel D (Low Sulphur)

For Non ECA Zone, when Fuel A is defined, then for estimates, it consumes Fuel A, if not available, Fuel B, Fuel C and finally try to consume Fuel D (Which is correct, based on the backup fuel structure)

For an ECA Zone, when Fuel A is defined, then it should try to consume Fuel A, if not available, looking at the backup hierarchy, the next Low Sulphur Fuel is Fuel D, so it should consume Fuel D (Instead of Fuel B). Since we are only allowed to burn Low Sulphur defined fuels in an ECA Zone.

See Also Ref: VS-221944

Under consideration bunkers Suggested by: Orhan Upvoted: 19 Feb Comments: 0

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