Carbon Emissions Cost to be included in Voyage PnL analytics table

1 votes

We would like to add an emissions cost field in the Voyage PnL table in Analytics in order to be able to access the cost recorded under different system snapshots (custom and accruals). The Voyage PnL table allows for the use of the Data Type and Snapshot Type and Date fields allowing us to get all the main Voyage PnL items (like freight, demurrage, port costs, bunkers etc) as these were recorded on specific dates or for EoM accruals. Currently the emission costs are not available in this table unless the Period GMT range field is used to reflect the prorated value for certain periods. Since all the other Voyage PnL items are included in this table we don't see why the emission costs are missing. Please refer to tickets VS-223654 and VS-224613 for some additional background info and some related bugs.

Thank you,

Under consideration carbon Suggested by: Agis Hajimichael Upvoted: 20 Mar Comments: 0

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