Add Repositioning Cost to the TC Contract -- LNG
At the bottom of a TC Contract, there are several billing items that I can add/specify for the contract. One of the is Ballast Bonus. In the LNG trade, Ballast Bonus is usually recognized on Redelivery -- but there is a separate "repositioning cost" that is usually recognized on Delivery. I would like to have a separate line to specify this cost.
Comments: 2
07 Jan, '20
Norden BAThis sounds like it would be closely related with
19 Aug, '21
Jaanus KasekampWe also need to have another line for repositioning cost. One way to solve this would be to add new line cost item called repositioning cost, with and option to have it as lumpsum amount and to be able to select whether it is commissionable or not.
Another way would be ability to add a custom line cost item with free text field/ free selection whether the cost is lumpsum, or monthly etc / and whether the cost is commissionable or not .- this way users can add whatever costs as it becomes necessary