Veslink Error Messages - Better descriptions and guidance

16 votes

The crew onboard the vessels are often experiencing error messages when submitting Veslink forms. The error messages are not very descriptive and doesn't provide any guidance how to resolve.
Also the crew treats every error as a hard stop, which creates lots of unnecessary frustration about the system, but in reality some errors are "harmful" and only require next step action from the operator.

I suggest that Veson improve the error message descriptions themselves as well as include a best practice guidance how each particular error is resolved.

Perhaps also introduce errors with different levels. E.g. errors that the vessel should attend to and errors that they can ignore (because they are for the operator to fix).

The overall purpose with this request is to make life easier for the crew onboard the vessel

Under consideration veslink voyage reporting VIPOpsHub Suggested by: Jan Ørskou Upvoted: 04 Aug, '23 Comments: 1

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