Swap Cargoes functionality to allow swapping for not only same grade cargoes but for different ones
When the IMOS user attempts to Swap a cargo in the Voyage Manager, IMOS allows to select another cargo only of the same Group as the one that is already in the voyage. For instance as per below screenshot, the cargo id 38348 is of Group "WHEAT" and IMOS Swapping will only allow to the IMOS user to Swap it with an other cargo id of Group "Wheat". You cannot Swap it with "GRAINS", or "Metals" cargo groups. SWAP cargoes works only for same grade cargoes and not with different ones ( eg PB CONCS with CU CONCS ) and the only way is REMOVING / ADDING CARGO.
The expected functionality is for IMOS Cargo Swapping functionality to allow the IMOS user selecting not only same grade cargoes but also different ones.