Port Cargo History - include Charterer name

4 votes

Port Cargo History (right click on a port in the itinerary) would be more useful if Charterer name was included.

The view shows at which berth a certain cargo was loaded or discharged in the past.

The operator checks at which berth the cargo was discharged in that port and then checks if there are particular restrictions for calling that port.
Currently, it is not showing the Charterer, so we might see that a certain cargo is discharged at several possible berths, while in reality that specific Charterer always go to the same berth.

The alternative is a report to show this information, but adding Charterer to the existing Port Cargo History would provide a simple right click to get the information.

Under consideration operations reporting Suggested by: Heather Upvoted: 05 Feb, '21 Comments: 0

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