VIP VAT codes to be available for selection at the Da Desk system

3 votes

As per the new regulations of the TAX AUTHORITIES in Middle East, we need to capture the Tax codes against each line item for the PDA and FDA, flowing from the Da desk system.

Currently as a work around we accept the summary tax as an 'additional line' in the forms from DA Desk and when invoice reaches finance level they delete the tax line and post the correct tax codes against each line item, so that the amount doesn't change.

In order to avoid this manual correction of the invoice while posting, it is preferred that the option to select the tax codes (which has been set in VIP) be available to the DA Desk, followed by the right integration to the VIP system via forms.

Under consideration agents interface operations Suggested by: Sijin John Upvoted: 23 Jul, '23 Comments: 0

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