Search Functionality

3 votes

- In IMOS you have to enter the vendor using the short name (i.e. there is no advanced search functionality when entering costs, contract details etc.).
- However the short names are just that i.e. short abbreviations of longer names such as “Agencia Maritima NABSA SA” has the short name “A M NABSA SA”
- This means it can sometimes be quite difficult to identify and match the appropriate short name.
- So as a workaround, users are having to go into the address book, search for the entity to find the short name and then go back to enter it wherever they were in IMOS – a rather convoluted way to enter details!!
- Could you please look at being able to change how we enter Vendors from Short Name to Full Name. As I see we will come up with this problem time and time again.

Under consideration lists Suggested by: sunita Upvoted: 23 Aug, '21 Comments: 1

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