Help Define the Veson Roadmap
At Veson Nautical, we greatly value and appreciate feedback from our client community. Help influence and guide our future development by submitting feature suggestions and voting on items that are valuable to your organization.
Features and comments are moderated regularly, usually within 24 hours of submission. Veson moderators add tags for easier searching and filtering.
Features with over 20 votes are evaluated by Veson both for alignment with the existing Roadmap, and for the size and impact on the development schedule. If a feature is accepted, the status will change to “Planned” and it will be tagged with the projected calendar quarter where development will occur.
If a suggestion does not garner more than 10 votes after three months, it will be set to status "Archived". Items that receive 10+ votes within three months will remain on the board and be sized once they reach 20 votes, as above.
Features and comments are moderated regularly, usually within 24 hours of submission. Veson moderators add tags for easier searching and filtering.
Features with over 20 votes are evaluated by Veson both for alignment with the existing Roadmap, and for the size and impact on the development schedule. If a feature is accepted, the status will change to “Planned” and it will be tagged with the projected calendar quarter where development will occur.
If a suggestion does not garner more than 10 votes after three months, it will be set to status "Archived". Items that receive 10+ votes within three months will remain on the board and be sized once they reach 20 votes, as above.
Outdated export format for Business Rule (.xls -> .xlsx)
Would you please have default export format for Business Rule adjusted in regard of Microsoft Excel active version.
Today from IMOS VIP, exported file is .xls ; It ...
Claims List - Add columns “last cargo load date” and “last cargo disch. date”
Please add the columns “last cargo load date” and “last cargo disch. date” to Claims List (Operations > Claims List)
Task List - Add Company Column
Add company column as an option to be selected in the task list (it is currently available under the voyage list). We use this field to distribute the workload.
Allow Trade Area to be filtered with multiple option in Vessel Schedule
User can be individually in charge of multiple trade areas, however in the filtering option of Vessel Schedule, there is an option for user to filter by multiple LOB, ...
Add a "Clear Filter" option for Lists
Although there is an option for user to Clear All Quick Filters, however some of the users may have multiple filters, and in some of the filters much efforts already ...
Ability to add drafts in the CP Terms Details window
In order to have all important details on one page, would suggest to put an additional column in the CP Terms Details window as attached. So that we do not miss ...
TC Payment/Billing Schedules to have the "Finance" Role of the Time Charter Contract as a Filter
The TC Payment Schedule and the TC Billing Schedule to contain in the Filters section on the top right corner, the "Finance" field in the Roles of the Time Charter ...
Add a column in the TC In and TC Out List that displays the Current Hire rate
In the TC In or TC Out List, there is a "Gross Hire" column that only shows the initial hire rate of the contract regardless of the rate according to the date and ...
Control to move private tabs in Operations>Voyage List
In Operations > Voyage - List, when other users started to create a lot public tabs my private tabs get squeeze out of the window.
- To ...
Reordering public and private views at the top of a list
In case you have several views created on a list, some of them will be visible only from a drop down menu. By having the ability to reorder your views, you can make ...
Add Draft to VC In List for easy access and verification
By having the Draft field added to VC In list it can be verified very quickly and corrections done as necessary. Currently, you have to go to the VC In to then check ...
Clean up function on lists (Cargo, fixture, estimate etc.)
On cargo list, fixture list and estimate list we perform clean up by deleting unwanted entries. It is a trainees task and it is rather slow and heavy as we have to ...
Expand column selection on port call list
Some extra columns as suggestion:
- country;
- port function;
- operations itinerary remarks;
- vessel type;
- port days;
- etc.
A selection of data from ...
Add "Cargo Name" Column to Financial Lists
Please add a column for the Cargo Name to the Receivables, Payables, and Transaction Summary lists.
Add extra filters/columns on report "Cargoes Loaded/Discharged"
It would be very useful if there are additional filters or extra columns in the report.
Suggested filters:
- Company(s)
- Vessel type(s)
- Vessel type code(s) ...
Add the Reference No for Payments in the Interface Message List
The Interface Message List does not have the Transaction Number in the field Message Type Financials / simplePayment. This would make reading through and searching ...
FFA/Option List. Add Clearinghouse column as an option in the built-in table.
Would like to have a column in the FFA/Option List table, with the Clearinghouse field.
Exporting this table to excel and having this info (Clearinghouse) available ...
Add Voyage Hyperlink to Post Invoice List and Approve Invoice List
Our request is to add a hyperlink to the "Voyage" column in the Approve Invoice and Post Invoice lists. This will allow users to click this link for each line item to ...
Suggested by:
Client in Great Lakes of North America
(08 Mar, '21)
Upvoted: 17 Oct, '24
Comments: 1
FORMS List page should have the column 'Invoice Number' - for PDA/FDA arriving from DA Desk system
Currently the forms list page does not have the option to display the INVOICE numbers in the port disbursement forms received from the DA Desk system. It will be ...
Transaction Summary - add Follow-Up Action as column to main list view
We would like the "Follow-Up Action" column from Invoice Actions window (the one opened by clicking Notes in the Transaction Summary list view) to be added as column ...
Add LOB Filter and Column to Chartering > Cargo List
Please add LOB Filter and Column to Chartering > Cargo List
add vendor type in other rev/exp screen
Would like to suggest adding vendor type column next to vendor column in voyage other rev/exp screen. This will help us to identify the type of vendor from ...
Add the Account Numbers in IMOS Account Analysis Reports
Currently the Account Analysis Report from VIP does not have the field Invoice number in the list page . It will be useful if this is included in addition to the ...
Add a Country field and local time to menu item "Port calls"
Many times we are required to list all port calls into a specific countries for various reasons..
This would greatly assist to be able in a short version to present ...
Interface Message List - Search type "invoiceStatus" by Reference Number
Make possible to search for "Type" = "invoiceStatus" by Reference Number at Interface Message List screen.
As you can see on the image bellow, if we use the filters ...
Approval User 2 date to be included in list of fields
Currently there is no option to see when the Approval User 2 has approved the invoice in the Payables Summary. The list of fields contain only Approval User 1 Date. ...
Search Functionality
- In IMOS you have to enter the vendor using the short name (i.e. there is no advanced search functionality when entering costs, contract details etc.).
- However ...
Receivables Summary, add Remittance Bank
Hereby suggest that Remittance Bank is added as a new column in the Receivables Summary
More filters for Cargo Schedule
Add more filters such as Charterer, Cargo, POL, POD, etc in Cargo Schedule so that the users can have the overview of COA cargo status.
Include a 'Totals' row option in Lists
For example, in the Payables Summary, it would be very useful to be able to see a Total of the outstandings when filtering onto a specific counterparty, rather than ...
Add "Fixed By" and "Fixed Date" filters to the TC In and Out Lists
It would make users' lives so much easier when trying to filter the Lists by the TC's they have fixed, or for management to view the TC's fixed by certain users.
Add FD Manager column to Demurrage Time Bar Task List
None of our segments use the "Analyst" field but fill in the FD manager field in Voyage Manager which is why it would be helpful to have this added as a column in the ...
Improve the Search Function in Lists
Using the 'search' does not always work, using the dropdown search does not always work.
Only reliable method it to use the Filters.
End users should not be ...
Missing filters by Controller ID in the task list
Also will be glad to add same in the Vessel's schedule screen
Search and Group functionality in lists
It would be very helpful if it was possible to use the search and grouping funtionality at the same time in a (any) list.
For instance, first you search and then you ...
Include 'Next Hire Due' column in Voyage List
Including a calculated column in the Voyage List will help Operators and Head Operators ensure that payments are arranged well in advance without needing to keep a ...
Possibility to change order of the columns in Account Periods View
Hi There, we think that is necessary to have the possibilty to change the order of the columns in Account Period view, because the last columns is the most used (open ...
Controller ID in TC Billing Schedule
Add the Controller id filter on the TC Billing Schedule. This will allow users create lists per controller - user name
Replicate personal views from one report to another one with same fields chosen
Need a way to replicate personal views (i.e., saved as "template" like in Microsoft Office) to other reports that may have the same fields. This will help improve ...
Download all separate sheets in a report
Hi team,
As you already know that we're able to creat many views and different filter it in various ways as our wish. However, seems like it is not possible to ...
Option to collapse list panes in VIP
In VIP we can collapse/close the left list pane shown when a voyage is opened.
This option would be great to have in other views as well (e.g. claims, cargo).
Public views as read-only
On any list within IMOS I wish to be able to set public views as read only so users are unable to manipulate filters.
Carbon Allowance invoice_order by voyage number
Can we order list of 'Allowance Invoices' in emission tab by voyage number?
Be able to filter out mirrored contracts from the trade contracts
Be able to filter out mirrored contracts(VC in) from the trade contracts.
Filter any list with Vessel name for the restricted list due to loa time
The vessel name should be added to the filters marked with <orange triangle> for any list with the message below:
"To minimize load time, a list preview appears. To ...
Address Book Sorting Contacts and Ports Serviced Grouping
When creating custom views in the Address book you are limited by the concated Ports Serviced grouping.
For instance, if you would like to create a view that shows ...
Previously there is a bug with adding the vessel code to the Operation module - Voyage - List (the code will be gone when the page is refresh), now the feature is ...
Linked trades in TC in/out Lists
It would be nice to be able to see linked trades directly in these lists, as an indication that BOR (usually) prices are in fact hedged
Auto-refresh Open Position
It would be great if Open Position could auto-refresh in a configurable interval.
Display the base Currency amount in Port Advance/DA List page
In the Port Advance/DA List list page please plan to have a column ' Base currency ' which always displays the amount in USD. We observed that the amount is ...