CFGAutoCalcPortExpenses to split average cost for Canals, as per Ballast Cost and Laden cost

27 votes

With CGFAutoCalculatePortExpenses enabled, when averaging the last 5 canal expenses, IMOS does not separate between Ballast Canal Cost, and Laden Canal Cost.
The cost in Canals varies significantly when the vessel is Ballasts or Laden; for instance the cost of an LR2 vessel passing from SUZE CANAL is 250,000.00 USD when is ballast vs 350,000.00 USD when is loaded. This is a 40% difference and is very significant for the calculation of the TCE in an estimation when the vessel passing from a canal. When calculating the cost for the last 5 canals, IMOS will not split the canal cost for ballast from the cost of laden. I.e. IMOS will take an irrational mix of ballast and laden costs for the canal of request and provide an average. This makes no business scene, it gives inaccurate and irrational results which do not represent real costs and has a direct impact in the Voyage Estimation TCE as well as to the data accuracy available for our Oil Charterers.

Under consideration chartering Suggested by: Trafigura Freight BA Upvoted: 14 Mar, '22 Comments: 0

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