Individual locale setting conflicting with preferred standard layouts / stylesheets

13 votes

With the possibility for each user to change his or her Locale, we experience min. 3 different invoice layouts:
US: m/d/yyyy USD 100,000.00
UK: dd/mm/yyyyy USD 100,000.00
DK: dd-mm-yyyy USD 100.000,00

Above is confusing for Charterers receiving the freight invoice in ‘US’, the demurrage invoice in ‘UK’ and the rebills in ‘DK’. It is unprofessional sending out official documents with different layouts.

In order to avoid sending out official documents with different layouts we have been forced to ask our VIP users to select Danish (Denmark) as Locale. Forcing our users to have Danish (Denmark) set as Locale we have simply removed the preferred locale option for the user and the user will therefore have to use his or her keyboard differently than they normally would have done and the possibility of typos increases.

Allow each client to choose one fixed setting for layout of all invoices, stylesheets and templates no matter what Locale setting the individual user has.

Under consideration financials Suggested by: Jens Astrup Sørensen Upvoted: 14 Dec, '22 Comments: 3

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