Enable the ability to compare the Firming ETA with the actual ETA (For instance NOR Tendered)

23 votes

A key on-time performance metric for us is comparing the ETA provided by the vessel manager at firming with the actual arrival time (Usually the NOR Tendered time stamp). VIP already has the ability to automatically capture the Firming ETA via a config flag that snapshots the itinerary ETA at the time the voyage is switched to either Scheduled or Commenced (Config flag allows you to choose which one).

The issue is that the Firming ETA is captured with a cargo whereby the NOR Tendered time stamp is captured once for the whole ship. The result is that in Analytics, it is not possible to reliably compare these two values. As such, a valuable opportunity to record and analyze on-time performance is lost.

We would appreciate Veson making an adjustment such that these two values can be systematically compared.

Under consideration operations reporting Suggested by: Lance Nunez Upvoted: 22 Nov, '21 Comments: 0

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