Improve the Bunker form acceptance criteria

1 votes

Create a configuration flag to refine IMOS logic to allow Bunker forms to be accepted for bunker payment at any time (similar to cargo handling forms), and for these bunkering forms to not impact reversibility of the voyage (from completed/commenced -> scheduled) (leave the bunker forms alone as they have invoice/paid)
for long haul and complex product PI/NZ/AU voyages where cargoes are repeatedly added and removed, per the as-is process coordinators do not accept any forms till later in the voyage. Bunker forms for these voyages cannot be accepted early on in the voyage (or they might impact the ability to reverse the voyage back to scheduled mode easily). However, without us accepting these bunker forms, PMI is unable to make payment to suppliers for the bunkers.

Under consideration bunkers financials veslink voyage reporting Suggested by: Gabriella, Varga Upvoted: 01 Oct, '21 Comments: 0

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