Extend Configuration Limiting Duplicate Invoice Numbers to Additional Invoice Types

34 votes

VIP currently will check to prevent duplicate AP invoice numbers via the following flags:

1. CFGCheckDuplicateInvNoInOps
2. CFGCheckDuplicateInvNoInAct

These flags control validation of invoice numbers for invoices created in the "Voyage Other Revenue and Expenses" form, "Profit Share Distribution" form or the "Transaction Data Entry" form. The available options are: N No validation, Y No duplicate numbers allowed for the same vendor, A No duplicate numbers allowed for the same vendor within the same Account Period.

The request is to extend similar support for additional AP invoice types, notably Bunker Survey Costs and other high-use AP types.

Under consideration financials Suggested by: Shikhar Srivastava Upvoted: 08 Nov, '23 Comments: 3

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