Block Inactive Ports from new copied VCIns

12 votes

When VCins are copied for a new voyage/VCIn and the Alias Port is Inactived, there is no Alert or any other signal to the VIP user that the Alias Port is no longer Active. Therefore, the tool allows new VCIns created even for inactive ports. For new VC Ins, inactivated ports are not visible to VIP users, but if they copy from a previous VC In – there is no block from the system. In the meantime, we can tell users to not copy VC In when Alias Ports are inactivated, but some may forget and still create VCins, copying others with inactive Alias Ports and then some information is/may be missed in reports used by operations on a daily basis. VS-195469

Under consideration contracts Suggested by: Luz Ortiz Upvoted: 20 Feb, '22 Comments: 2

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