Update Current P&L Snapshot, after posting of bunker journals

3 votes

The current P&L snapshot are used by many for voyage reporting. If the necessary config flags are set correctly in VIP, then with every change in P&L updates current Voyage snapshot.

This update is however not triggered when bunker journals are posted. When bunker period journals are posted, the change can be seen on the Voyage P&L in VIP, but the current P&L snapshot remains old. As a result, the monthly reporting and reconciliation with the financial system is incorrect. It has been advised that this is as per the current design in VIP.

Just to trigger the update to the current Voyage PnL snapshot, the workaround is to make a Voyage Other Rev/Exp invoice and then remove it. This not only causes extra work, but could also lead to errors if someone forgets to create one in the first place.

Please update current voyage P&L also when a bunker journal has been posted. This can be a configuration flag.


Under consideration bunkers financials Suggested by: Nitin Chopra Upvoted: 17 Jan, '23 Comments: 0

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