Enable default demurrage accrual percentage to function with auto create estimate voyage demurrage

7 votes

If you have CFGEnableDefaultDemAccrualPercentage enabled, a default demurrage accrual percentage can be specified for each internal company record in the IMOS Address book. The default accrual percentage is applied to voyage estimated demurrage and laytime calculations.

That's great and would allow us to, eg. apply 95% as default demurrage accrual percentage for a company.

We'd like to use that flag in tandem with CFGAutoCreateEstVoyageDemurrage - if enabled, when creating a new voyage, an estimated demurrage calculation will automatically be created for the voyage, with an estimated amount equal to the sum of the current demurrage estimates for all cargoes in the voyage.

The goal would be these two flags work together so that the 95% default demurrage accrual percentage for the internal company is set automatically when we create a new voyage (that estimated demurrage calculation is automatically created for that voyage with the default demurrage accrural rate).

Under consideration demurrage operations Suggested by: Samuel Upvoted: 09 Apr Comments: 0

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