Help Define the Veson Roadmap
At Veson Nautical, we greatly value and appreciate feedback from our client community. Help influence and guide our future development by submitting feature suggestions and voting on items that are valuable to your organization.
Features and comments are moderated regularly, usually within 24 hours of submission. Veson moderators add tags for easier searching and filtering.
Features with over 20 votes are evaluated by Veson both for alignment with the existing Roadmap, and for the size and impact on the development schedule. If a feature is accepted, the status will change to “Planned” and it will be tagged with the projected calendar quarter where development will occur.
If a suggestion does not garner more than 10 votes after three months, it will be set to status "Archived". Items that receive 10+ votes within three months will remain on the board and be sized once they reach 20 votes, as above.
Features and comments are moderated regularly, usually within 24 hours of submission. Veson moderators add tags for easier searching and filtering.
Features with over 20 votes are evaluated by Veson both for alignment with the existing Roadmap, and for the size and impact on the development schedule. If a feature is accepted, the status will change to “Planned” and it will be tagged with the projected calendar quarter where development will occur.
If a suggestion does not garner more than 10 votes after three months, it will be set to status "Archived". Items that receive 10+ votes within three months will remain on the board and be sized once they reach 20 votes, as above.
Flexible Allocation of Demurrage on Interservice Cargo Voyages
As a Chemical Voyage Operator, my cargo are often classified in VIP as Interservice Cargo. My business requires me to allocate demurrage to Discharge Voyage of a ...
Allow different commission rates for Demurrage invoices
Currently some of our contracts specify different commission rate for Freight and Demurrage invoices (e.g. 2% for Freight Invoice, 5% for Demurrage Invoice), however ...
Chemical Laytime Calc should allow changes to the laytime calc when invoice is in pending state
Today the Chemical Laytime Calculator (laytime_c) doesn't allow you to change the laytime calculation when you have a demurrage invoices in status pending.
You are ...
Claims List - Add columns “last cargo load date” and “last cargo disch. date”
Please add the columns “last cargo load date” and “last cargo disch. date” to Claims List (Operations > Claims List)
Inconsistency of time when inserting a new line in Port Activities of Laytime calculation.
In the past when using IMOSLive, whenever we have to make a new insertion of line item for Port Activities in the laytime calculation, we can insert a line and the ...
Ability to amend Analyst on laytime calculation after demurrage invoice has been approved/posted
Due to certain business reasons, sometimes the analyst responsible for a laytime calculation may change after a demurrage invoice from that laytime calculation has ...
Import any applicable delay as part of importing activities on the Laytime Form
We have enabled ‘CFGLaytimeImportDelays’ config flag in the Test environment in order to import any applicable delay as part of importing activities on the Laytime ...
Laytime calculation- Allow importing of existing calculation when the counterparty is different.
At present, it only allows importing the existing calculation if the counterparty is the same. However, for RELET voyages, it does not allow to import of the existing ...
Laytime - add dem/des rate to "laytime calculation" report
When printing under laytime the report "laytime calculation|" this specific report does not show demurrage/despatch rate p/day. Is it possible to add this as a standard?
Utilize "Auto-update from itinerary" in Estimated Demurrage without enabling CFGEnableMultiEstDem
A new Estimated Demurrage feature was released in December 2022 - "Automatically update the Estimated Demurrage form with linked itinerary data". This seems smart. ...
Laytime Calculation: Calculate difference between Original claim amount and Actual Paid
Need to calculate difference between Original Amount (receive in owner’s demurrage invoice) – Actual Paid (=Agreed Amount). This difference will give us what we saved ...
Tasks & Alerts for Laytime
Expanding task & alerts to the laytime (and chemical laytime) form would help ensure accuracy, completeness of demurrage process.
Add remarks field to demurrage root cause allocations
The root cause allocation screen does not have a remarks field. Only the root cause dropdown that has been pre-defined in the data center. It would be beneficial to ...
Add Demurrage calculation in Unpriced Component
Laytime calculation to be able to read demurrage amount from unpriced component in Cargo Contract when the demurrage is based on Index Rate.
As a charterer, I ...
Split estimated demurrage by port
Currently you can only indicate one amount of estimated demurrage in a voyage. It would be very useful to indicate the amount of estimated demurrage/despatch for each ...
To raise a partial freight invoice and then raise the second invoice for the balance invoice qty
I have created a support ticket for this and the given options were,
1. Split the cargo ...
Enable default demurrage accrual percentage to function with auto create estimate voyage demurrage
If you have CFGEnableDefaultDemAccrualPercentage enabled, a default demurrage accrual percentage can be specified for each internal company record in the IMOS Address ...
Laytime - Deduction calculation format: increase deductions table size
Currently the table view of deductions is only 2 rows high which makes it very difficult to work with. There should be an option to expand this table to view.
Calculate Total allowable laytime on voyage based on contract & voyage detail and not at parcel/VCIn
E.g. Suppose we have the below laytime.
Qty 500- 1999MT: Laytime allowance(MT/hr) 24hrs
Qty 2000- 4999MT: Laytime allowance(MT/hr) 100/100
Qty 5000- 7999MT: ...
Estimated Demurrage not included in Voyage P&L Variance Tolerance
When you change the Estimated Demurrage with amount > defined tolerance, no alarm appears. Since this has direct impact on the voyage result, we need this to trigger ...
demurrage provision
Request a feature to support Estimated Demurrage for owners on RELT cargoes, in case different terms between owners and charterers
Add Vessel Ownership and Vessel Type to the Demurrage Time Bar Task List (DTBTL)
It would ve very useful to be able to filter or display the Vessel Ownership and Vessel Type information in the Demurrage Time Bar Task list.
"Type" Field in Laytime Calculation to be available in Analytics.
Please make the field "type" (available when On Account is ticked) in Laytime > Laytime Calculation available for including in reports in Analytics (See VS-176534).
NOR Offset to be included in the total allowed time of the estimated reversible laytime for Tankers
For Vessel Type Code: T - Tankers, the "NOR Offset" value which shows in the CP Terms Details screen of the Voyage Estimate, shall be explicitly included in the total ...
Default check 'Show Demurrage Start' in Laytime calculator
Default check 'Show Demurrage Start' in Laytime calculator
To expand the visibility of the deductions table in the laytime calculation
To expand the visibility of the deductions table in the laytime calculation
LPG type of vessel should also gets Laytime calculation by default "Reversible"
Business background:
For LPG vessels, the laytime calculation should always "Reversible", and now there is no function to set the Laytime calculation to "Reversible" ...
ADD Canal demurrage rate in the cargo form
It will be very useful to have a box to insert the agreed Canal demurrage rate in the cargo form along with the existing demurrage/despatch rates.
Mandatory fields for Laytime calculation
Please make the below fields as mandatory in the laytime claim module.
-Laytime claim type
-Last action
-Settled date for invoicing
Laytime Calculation when "In Direct Continuation"
In direct Continuation is when we fix a concequent voyage with the same charterer and the time for the laytime calculation is counting continuously from the previous ...
Not to follow the date sequence for the activities entered in deductions table - laytime calculation
Not to follow the date sequence for the activities entered in the deductions table in laytime calculation. Instead, follow the sequence of activities entered by the ...
Add FD Manager column to Demurrage Time Bar Task List
None of our segments use the "Analyst" field but fill in the FD manager field in Voyage Manager which is why it would be helpful to have this added as a column in the ...
Improving Demurrage Timebar Task refresh if a cargo contract is changed
Currently, the Demurrage Timebar Task list logic is a "one and done" style of logic. Meaning the logic only applies when the Cargo is scheduled onto the voyage. ...
Prevent Laytime Calculations from Saving/Entering if there are overlapping deductions
When a weekend has been deducted from laytime calculations, it should prevent user from entering the deductions for the same affected period to avoid duplication.
Make it mandatory to select counterparty on demurrage calcs
We'd like to have the system retrieve the counterparty from the Cargo contract by default but more importantly to always require that the counterparty name is ...
Demurrage: Show on PnL / not show on PnL set by default according to counterparty type
Set the “include in P&L” tickbox to default on demurrage calculations according to the counterparty type.
To enable format of the print out of Statement of Facts forms
In bulk activities the Agents are issuing the SOF, should be helpful to create a SOF form mathcing their needs, enabling them to issue their documents based on the ...
TT (Turn Time) available as a variable in Tasks and Alerts
Show column "TT" turn time from voyage estimate as a variable in Task and alerts.
Ability to allow zero default Time Bar Days
We are aware that Time Bar Days are determined based on the following sequence of forms:
1. CP Terms Details form for the Cargo: Dem TB
2. If not specified, Cargo ...
Update the Estimated demurrage form the actual demurrage rate in CP terms
Usually we estimate the demurrage on commencement of voyage basis the estimated port schedule. At this time we use an estimated rate to under Estimated Demurrage tab. ...
Improving Demurrage Time Bar Task List - filtering
Create configuration flags for
1. Set the task list in the background by default to exclude all AP type of claims
2. Set the task list in the background by ...
Estimated Demurrage Booking by Booking
Would like to have a config flag so we can use Estimated Demurrage on a booking by booking level, not cargo by cargo as it is today.
Export a laytime calculation from voyage
It would be nice if it is possible to export a laytime calculation from a particular voyage and import it into another voyage.
Example: if we have a pool vessel ...
Demurrage rate calculation basis Ginga Terms for LPG Cargo
LPG is a growing trade in the industry, we would like to see VIP system to be able to calculate demurrage rate basis the Ginga terms.
Character limit of laytime calculation remark field to be extended
This is a request to extend the character limit to the laytime calculation remark field.
Subcodes in adjustment line for Demurrage
To have some flexibility with demurrage invoices we suggest to add Subcodes in adjustment line for Demurrage. It helps ad nessecary special adjustments and to avoide ...
Demurrage Time Bar Task to track all counterparties (Suppliers, Receivers, Charterers and Owners)
Currently VIP does not have the functionality to create Demurrage Time Bar Tasks for all four counterparty types (Suppliers, Receivers, Charterers and Owners). It has ...
Ability to populate demurrage delays to I port functions (such as Turkish straits).
Currently we are unable to add expected demurrage delays to our estimates on the Turkish straits yet it is standard practice in shipping to pay owners the delays ...
Transaction Data Entry screen enhancement
if agreed demurrage amount is different from calculated demurrage amount, then TDE generates an "adjusted line for settlement " of the difference on the Cargo ...
Connecting the itinerary at the port with the laytime calculator on an estimated laytime calculation
When creating a laytime calculation estimation, (ex on vessel arrival at port) link the ETC of the port itinerary to the laytime completion date, so whenever this ...