Import any applicable delay as part of importing activities on the Laytime Form

17 votes

We have enabled ‘CFGLaytimeImportDelays’ config flag in the Test environment in order to import any applicable delay as part of importing activities on the Laytime Form.

However, during the testing, we encountered below.

Once we imported the delay in the laytime calcs, all other details key-in manually by us under “Deductions” will be disappeared except for the imported delay only. This is not acceptable since all our initial laytime calcs to Chtrs will exclude such delay until the same is accepted back to back by the Head-Owrs.

We suggest improving the functionality to support importing the delay without affecting other details keyed under “Deductions”.

Under consideration demurrage Suggested by: Roshanthi Upvoted: 13 Jul, '23 Comments: 0

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