Dynamic Factor for calculation of forward prices through formula
trying to calculate the forward prices for P6_82 from the forward prices of 5TC_P forward prices, by using the below formula:
forward price for P6_82 for May 20 = (spot prices of P6_82 / spot price of 5TC_P) * forward price for 5TC_P for May 20
we want the value (spot prices of P6_82 / spot price of 5TC_P) to be dynamically calculated everyday. Spot prices are received from Baltic.
At present the system limitation only allows:
AVG (Route1,Route2,Route3)
e.g. AVG (P6_82,P5_82)
Factor1 * Route1 +/- Factor2 * Route2 +/- Factor3 * Route3
e.g. *0.6 * P6_82 - 0.4 * P5_82*
We cannot use the formula P6_82/5TC_P to specifically bring in a dynamic values to be given for a route at present but would want to see this in future