Help Define the Veson Roadmap
At Veson Nautical, we greatly value and appreciate feedback from our client community. Help influence and guide our future development by submitting feature suggestions and voting on items that are valuable to your organization.
Features and comments are moderated regularly, usually within 24 hours of submission. Veson moderators add tags for easier searching and filtering.
Features with over 20 votes are evaluated by Veson both for alignment with the existing Roadmap, and for the size and impact on the development schedule. If a feature is accepted, the status will change to “Planned” and it will be tagged with the projected calendar quarter where development will occur.
If a suggestion does not garner more than 10 votes after three months, it will be set to status "Archived". Items that receive 10+ votes within three months will remain on the board and be sized once they reach 20 votes, as above.
Features and comments are moderated regularly, usually within 24 hours of submission. Veson moderators add tags for easier searching and filtering.
Features with over 20 votes are evaluated by Veson both for alignment with the existing Roadmap, and for the size and impact on the development schedule. If a feature is accepted, the status will change to “Planned” and it will be tagged with the projected calendar quarter where development will occur.
If a suggestion does not garner more than 10 votes after three months, it will be set to status "Archived". Items that receive 10+ votes within three months will remain on the board and be sized once they reach 20 votes, as above.
Create Trade Commission Invoices - field/filter “Line of Business” to be added
Would you please assist with adding the additional field and filter "Line of Business" in IMOS – FINANCIALS – Create Trade Commission Invoices.
Allow for multiple entry of brokers on FFA/Bunker Trades OR allow for combination of R+L+% types
Some FFABA brokers are moving to a commission structure consisting of a (low) fixed fee + a % commission on each trade they execute for a principal. Hence to allow ...
FFA/Option List. Add Clearinghouse column as an option in the built-in table.
Would like to have a column in the FFA/Option List table, with the Clearinghouse field.
Exporting this table to excel and having this info (Clearinghouse) available ...
Tasks & Alerts for Paper Trades
As a trader, I enter a lot of FFAs and Options in the system and would like to have workflow alerts based on certain fields, eg Status. This would involve extending ...
Ability to create a Bunker Symbol in a different Unit of Measure other than USD/MT
The default UOM for a Bunker Symbol is always USD/MT. Currently IMOS does not allow users to create a bunker symbol with different UOM (eg: USD/Barrel). The ...
Link Paper Trades to Physical Trades Directly from Paper Trade
Currently, the system allows me to link paper trades (eg FFAs) to physical trades (eg TCs) directly on the Exposure tab of the physical trade. I would like to be able ...
Ensure the exchange rate for commodity trade updates throughtout the lifecycle of the trade.
Currently, The commodity trade is not connected to any X rate date specifically currently.
The X rate is defaulted to the current date’s X rate on creation and ...
Make fields enabled through CFGEnableTradingNetPnlFields available in the Trading PnL Summary
Configuration flag CFGEnableTradingNetPnlFields enables Net contract rate, Net Market rate, Net PnL less commissions, and Parent Contract ID available in the trade ...
IMOS VIP - Trade Settlement - Possibility to have several Markets by default
Currently we have one market possible per trade type (Bunker Swap, FFA, Commodities) . We suggest to extend the possibility to several markets, as we do not trade ...
Add option for fixed USD per day rate when having index linked TC rate.
I propose we add the option of having a fixed rate determined by the user under the index linked options for TC rates. This is because IMOS does not offer many ...
Track changes on Market data table in Audit Trail report
To have market data changes (table 'ffamkt') tracking added to the Audit Trail in Report Designer. For reference VS-209087.
When Period = Custom and Settlement = Period Average, allow dates to be between different months
When I create an FFA with a settlement period "Period Average“ between two months ex(04/22/22 to 05/10/22) then the system prevents saving. The same behavior is ...
FFA Trade Settlement Invoice has limitations on number of trades per counterparty
We are actually creating the commission invoice for our FFAs and seems that we are limited in term of selected records when creating the invoice. Due to the volume ...
Time Charter In Linked Trades
For TC Out and Cargo Linked Trades, the swaps are automatically linked to Voyage but TC In you will manually select a vessel and voyage to link this during trade ...
Publish Unpriced Component Rate Breakdown in Report Designer tables
Currently the data in Unpriced Component Rate Breakdown is not saved anywhere hence it can't be pulled in Report Designer. Please make it available so that we don't ...
MtM PnL calcualtion of cargos should apply the forward rates of the corresponding months
If Split cargo is ticked on trading profile PL calculations use the forward rates of the first month. We would expect that the market rate of the underlying period ...
Benchmark - Index Analysis of tonnage
Have a function to compare many vsls against a benchmark - index route and routes to define a index of a vsl. for example say you have a chinese built 82 dwt and you ...
Dynamic Factor for calculation of forward prices through formula
trying to calculate the forward prices for P6_82 from the forward prices of 5TC_P forward prices, by using the below formula:
forward price for P6_82 for May 20 = ...
Adding Vessel Fleet field in the Trading P&L Summary
In the trading P&L summary there’s the possibility to group exposure/P&L for “Vessel fleet”. This will be a useful grouping , however as per now we miss the ...
Bunker Swap - one trade with different contract prices
Would be very helpful if we could enter a bunker swap trade with different contract prices for different months, ie:
Oct 24 - 540usd/mt
Nov 24 - 550usd/mt
Dec 24 ...
Remove linked trade from Profit and Loss
Option to exclude the profit/loss on a linked trade from the voyage Profit and Loss
Be able to filter out mirrored contracts from the trade contracts
Be able to filter out mirrored contracts(VC in) from the trade contracts.
Bunker Hedging: allow for correct settlement of WTI/Brent Futures
As WTI and Brent Futures are increasingly used to proxy hedge bunker exposures, it is suggested Veson allows for correct settlement of them, this would require
i) ...
Increase field visibility in Linked Trades section
Currently field only displays 3 rows of the linked trades which is difficult for user to have an overview glance/comparison/carry out checks. Instead of "zooming" out ...
Enhanced Trade Details List for VIP
The below enhancements would make it easier to obtain large datasets from the 'Trades' screen found within the Trading module (aka the 'Trade Details List' in the ...
Exposure not calculating properly for Index Shorts - TCO
Exposure for Index Shorts/TCOs should be same as for Index Shorts/Cargos.
Exposure on Cargos linked/applied to Indexed TCI/Vessel reduces every day correctly. ...
FFA trade entries should have a warning sign when "Broker Conf No" already exists
In order to avoid double entries in the System , there should be a warning sign when the "Broker Conf No" already exists in Imos
Linked trades in TC in/out Lists
It would be nice to be able to see linked trades directly in these lists, as an indication that BOR (usually) prices are in fact hedged
Cargo Task & Alerts
To include Cargo Exposure Tab like Bunker Hedging field to the Task & Alerts options
Margining facility for Paper Trades
We settle our FFA/Bunker Swaps using margining facility and not trade-by-trade basis using the trade settlement invoice. Currently VIP doesn't support it hence all ...
Fail incoming update and delete trade XML without an ID
Currently, Update and Delete trade XMLs from an external source system to IMOS work for action on the given id in the <id> tag. However if id is not present , then ...
Ballast Bonus to impact exposure of TCI contracts
As a trader/charterer, I want my TCI contracts to be able to depict what is the impact of the payable ballast bonus, to the MtM of this TC contract. Namely how the ...
Allow trading exposure to work appropriately with unpriced elements
When considering contracts with unpriced components in the Trading P&L Summary, the system should calculate the freight rate based off of the latest market rate and ...