STS Vessels – import through API, sanctions restrictions, select > 1 per cargo

3 votes

We need several additional features to fully support using STS vessels:
1. There should be a possibility to flag STS vessels as “sanctioned”, so that they could not be selected in Ops Overview > Cargo. Ideally, this could be done with existing Rules/Alerts functionality.
2. It should be possible to select more than 1 STS vessel/cargo row.
3. It should be possible to select STS vessels by IMO no. Currently, only name/description are available.
4. It should be possible to import STS vessels via interface messages/API, as it is already with “regular” vessels.
5. Ideally, STS vessels should be maintained in the same way as "regular" vessels, possibly with a dedicated "STS vessel" flag. This would allow for requirement 4 and support our existing vessel update/maintenance processes.

Archived interface Suggested by: Norden BA Upvoted: 20 Oct, '20 Comments: 0

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