Help Define the Veson Roadmap

At Veson Nautical, we greatly value and appreciate feedback from our client community. Help influence and guide our future development by submitting feature suggestions and voting on items that are valuable to your organization.

Features and comments are moderated regularly, usually within 24 hours of submission. Veson moderators add tags for easier searching and filtering.

Features with over 20 votes are evaluated by Veson both for alignment with the existing Roadmap, and for the size and impact on the development schedule. If a feature is accepted, the status will change to “Planned” and it will be tagged with the projected calendar quarter where development will occur.

If a suggestion does not garner more than 10 votes after three months, it will be set to status "Archived". Items that receive 10+ votes within three months will remain on the board and be sized once they reach 20 votes, as above.

Estimate Commence Date should be auto set to Today's date if blank or in the past (for Carbon Calc)

New Chartering Estimate calcs Commence Date should be automatically set to Today's date if blank or in the past, so that the Carbon Calculator will include emission ...
Suggested by: Alex Ward (17 Jan, '24) Upvoted: 04 Mar, '24 Comments: 2
Done 2024Q1 carbon

IMO No. only to be used on a single Vessel with Status: Active at a time

We suggest to have a Configuration Flag which ensures that an IMO No. can only be used on a single Vessel with Status: Active at a time. IMO No. is unique; therefore ...
Suggested by: tmm (14 Apr, '21) Upvoted: 17 Apr, '24 Comments: 4

Show estimated EUAs and price in the Estimated column of the PnL

Same functionality as estimated bunkers where qty and price are visible. This will enable users to quickly see possible mistakes or gross misalignment in qty or price
Suggested by: Mikael Schultz (17 Jan, '24) Upvoted: 04 Apr, '24 Comments: 1
Planned 2024Q1 carbon