Fail incoming update and delete trade XML without an ID

1 votes

Currently, Update and Delete trade XMLs from an external source system to IMOS work for action on the given id in the <id> tag. However if id is not present , then the XML updates/deletes the next trade in the list where the second tag 'BrokerConfNo' is a match. We would prefer IMOS to be able to fail the action of the XML based on empty <id> tag if a configuration flag is enabled. Or have a check in place so as the user is notified and XML is resent with a correct <id> tag value.

Below example for reference

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?><FFADetailImport xmlns="" xmlns:imosmsg="" xmlns:xsi="" IsBunkerSwap="1" imosmsg:action="update"><FFADetail>

Under consideration interface trading Suggested by: Swati Nawani Upvoted: 27 Nov, '20 Comments: 0

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