IMOS paymentExport xml doesn't contain vendorfullname

4 votes

PaymentExport feature available in IMOS Messaging service is used for exporting payment information to downstream system for Bank reconciliation business process. The bank reconciliation process involves comparing the Payment from IMOS with that of Bank statement for matching. One of key matching criteria for the comparison is the Vendor name or Counterparty name. Current PaymentExport xml generated by IMOS contains only the shortname of the Vendor which creates problem while comparing with bank statement. Also financial statements/reports generated by Bank reconciliation team will require presenting the overall transaction summary at counterparty name level in the downstream system. Without full name available from paymentexport xml, the reconciliation process becomes tedious and error prone.

Under consideration financials interface master data Suggested by: Ramkumar Sivaraman Upvoted: 11 Mar, '22 Comments: 0

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