Controller Field Improvement Suggestion
As you know, many shipping companies have divided their Operations function into Voyage Operations and Time Charter Control (TCC). In this suggestion we focus on how we can improve TCC processes. They are responsible for head fixture hire statements invoicing, bunker delivery and redelivery, time charter hire invoicing and payments etc.
When TCC resources want to find their contracts or voyages in TC Payment Schedule or TC Billing Schedule, there is no easy way for them to do so. and they have to look through the list or filter on vessels.
We simply suggest to add the "Controller" field into the filters (see images below).
Further improvements - not as important, but still good suggestions: (Screenshot 4)
Easy access to Controller field under Time Charter Contracts: Today this field is hidden under Roles, but should be placed together with ops coordinator and chartering specialist
Set controller by default on voyage if set on.
Regerence: VS-185896