Flexible Allocation of Demurrage on Interservice Cargo Voyages
As a Chemical Voyage Operator, my cargo are often classified in VIP as Interservice Cargo. My business requires me to allocate demurrage to Discharge Voyage of a cargo. Currently VIP only allows me to allocate Freight Revenue. I require that VIP allow me to allocate Demurrage to the Discharge Voyage as well.
Acceptance Criteria
A new Button to be added to Booking Based Laytime Invoice Tab: "Allocate to Voyages"
When clicked, a new form will appear with a table view; it will have the following columns:
Vessel Name
Voyage Number
Allocation %
Allocation Amount
The table will be pre-populated with all possible Load and Discharge Vessel and Voyages for all Cargo in the current Booking calculation
The table will populate by defaul with 100% of net laytime amount allocated to Load Voyage (current VIPbehavior)
User can enter either the percentage amount or dollar amount per voyage, but total a