Show Revisions on Voyage Fixtures
As a charterer/operator, I'm actively using/editing the Voyage Fixtures workspace and thus I want to be able to have visibility on which user has entered a value and what was the previous value of a field. Similarly to Estimates and Voyages, that keep track of the Audit Trail under the Revision tab, it'd be helpful to expose this at the level of the Fixtures as well.
Requested result:
Functionality to be similar to the Revisions on the Estimate and Voyage Level: Any change that is tracked in a table interacting with the Voyage Fixtures, to be listed in the Revisions tab - showing date, user, previous and new value. Clicking on the specific change will show full details of the update.
Comments: 1
23 May, '20
Sijin JohnIn addition Show revisions feature on Voyages in the VIP is not as extensive as Desktop version. The Show revisions feature should be enhanced to bring it at par with what the desktop used to offer.Many of the activities or revisions are not captured in VIP version. Also the VIP revision history is very basic with very less information. We were not able to identify a deleted invoice log from the VIP revision logs wheereas it was available in the Desktop version. This needs to be enhanced.