TC Hire - Semi Monthly Invoicing
This suggestion proposes a TC billing schedule that is quite common and goes according to following definition:
- 2 payments scheduled per rolling month
- 1st payment of the month is always on the day of the month and hour of the delivery of the TC
- the 2nd payment of the month is exactly in the middle of the rolling month:
° when month has 30 days: 2nd payment date = 1st payment date of the month + 15 days
° when month has 31 days: 2nd payment date = 1st payment date of the month + 15 days + 12 h
° when month has 29 days: 2nd payment date = 1st payment date of the month + 14 days + 12 h
° when month has 28 days: 2nd payment date = 1st payment date of the month + 14 days
Eg. Vessel is delivered on 03/03/2020 00:00
- 1st payment from 03/03/2020 00:00 to 18/03/2020 12:00 (15,5 days)
- 2nd payment from 18/03/2020 12:00 to 03/04/2020 00:00 (15,5 days)
-3rd payment from 03/04/2020 00:00 to 18/04/2020 00:00 (15 days)