Help Define the Veson Roadmap
At Veson Nautical, we greatly value and appreciate feedback from our client community. Help influence and guide our future development by submitting feature suggestions and voting on items that are valuable to your organization.
Features and comments are moderated regularly, usually within 24 hours of submission. Veson moderators add tags for easier searching and filtering.
Features with over 20 votes are evaluated by Veson both for alignment with the existing Roadmap, and for the size and impact on the development schedule. If a feature is accepted, the status will change to “Planned” and it will be tagged with the projected calendar quarter where development will occur.
If a suggestion does not garner more than 10 votes after three months, it will be set to status "Archived". Items that receive 10+ votes within three months will remain on the board and be sized once they reach 20 votes, as above.
Features and comments are moderated regularly, usually within 24 hours of submission. Veson moderators add tags for easier searching and filtering.
Features with over 20 votes are evaluated by Veson both for alignment with the existing Roadmap, and for the size and impact on the development schedule. If a feature is accepted, the status will change to “Planned” and it will be tagged with the projected calendar quarter where development will occur.
If a suggestion does not garner more than 10 votes after three months, it will be set to status "Archived". Items that receive 10+ votes within three months will remain on the board and be sized once they reach 20 votes, as above.
Allow different commission rates for Demurrage invoices
Currently some of our contracts specify different commission rate for Freight and Demurrage invoices (e.g. 2% for Freight Invoice, 5% for Demurrage Invoice), however ...
Chemical Laytime Calc should allow changes to the laytime calc when invoice is in pending state
Today the Chemical Laytime Calculator (laytime_c) doesn't allow you to change the laytime calculation when you have a demurrage invoices in status pending.
You are ...
Claims List - Add columns “last cargo load date” and “last cargo disch. date”
Please add the columns “last cargo load date” and “last cargo disch. date” to Claims List (Operations > Claims List)
Create Demurrage adjustment option for additional demurrage invoice within an official calculation
We have adjustment options for Freight and Commission, so would like to check on the possibility of having a demurrage adjustment, on top of the Agreed Amount.
This ...
Laytime Calculation: Calculate difference between Original claim amount and Actual Paid
Need to calculate difference between Original Amount (receive in owner’s demurrage invoice) – Actual Paid (=Agreed Amount). This difference will give us what we saved ...
An option not to auto create an operations invoice when when laytime/dem is created with 0.00 amount
As system will auto create the invoice with pending status for Laytime/Demurrage, if there have $0.00 (NIL); user will remain the calculation in voyage but the ...
Include import message type via XML for Claims module
Please can you help us by building a functionality in IMOS to import the XML for Claims module with all the below mentioned fields?
(Screenshot of the claim screen ...
Make Analyst Mandatory on Claims
Make the following fields mandatory:
Last Action
Last Action Date
Original Amount
ADD Canal demurrage rate in the cargo form
It will be very useful to have a box to insert the agreed Canal demurrage rate in the cargo form along with the existing demurrage/despatch rates.
Improving Demurrage Timebar Task refresh if a cargo contract is changed
Currently, the Demurrage Timebar Task list logic is a "one and done" style of logic. Meaning the logic only applies when the Cargo is scheduled onto the voyage. ...
Claim commission omitted from voyage PnL
When raising invoice from claims module:
1. CP Reference as "Cargo":
- When a claim invoice is raised with the CP reference as “cargo,” the related broker ...
"Clear all" button for the "Port Activities" screen in IMOS
If the SOF approves in the wrong order (before the departure notice) then the departure notice will not "approve" until you manually delete ALL the line items in the ...
Ability to allow zero default Time Bar Days
We are aware that Time Bar Days are determined based on the following sequence of forms:
1. CP Terms Details form for the Cargo: Dem TB
2. If not specified, Cargo ...
Auto-create claims from delays
When a delay is generated via VVR, I'd like this to trigger the creation of a new claim automatically.
It would also be helpful to link to these claims from with ...
Optical character reading on Invoices (OCR) from agents etc.
It would be very useful if such a scanning option was available, in order to avoid typing errors and the likes by manual input and it would also be a time saver.
Claim Negotiation Log
Our Claims team would like a feature to track the negotiated claim amounts, so they can see the counter offers and intermediate figures that lead up to the agreed ...
Receivables summary - new field to capture follow up info
After an invoice is posted, we receive follow up info from the charterer's (counterparty) handling the claim to show which location (office) is going to deal with it. ...
Person In Charge field both in Demurrage and Claim form
Currently we have "Person In Charge" on the demurrage form--> Claim tab, however it will be nice to have the same under Claim form --> Invoices Tab, So that the ...
Add off hire reverse in the General Operations Reports/Off Hire Report
Add in the General Operations Reports/Off Hire Report the off hire reverse.
If this report is used to take the off-hires for a year it would be good to include ...
Notification of receipt of payments to brokers
We would like a feature whereby an email is send to the broker as confirmation whenever a claim is settled. The email should contain vessel name, voyage number, ...
No calculated demurrage or despatch in P&L - only agreed costs
In the VC in we record demurrage and despatch rate for both load and discharge.
In the laytime calculation the Demurrage or Despatch amount are automatically ...
Demurrage - Incremental Claims Due Date
Currently, when we create an incremental claim for a Demurrage Invoice, due date of the incremental invoice gets the value of due date of the initial claim. We would ...
Suggested by:
Konstantinos Bougoulias - Minerva Marine
(04 Sep, '20)
Upvoted: 07 Sep, '20
Comments: 0