Help Define the Veson Roadmap
At Veson Nautical, we greatly value and appreciate feedback from our client community. Help influence and guide our future development by submitting feature suggestions and voting on items that are valuable to your organization.
Features and comments are moderated regularly, usually within 24 hours of submission. Veson moderators add tags for easier searching and filtering.
Features with over 20 votes are evaluated by Veson both for alignment with the existing Roadmap, and for the size and impact on the development schedule. If a feature is accepted, the status will change to “Planned” and it will be tagged with the projected calendar quarter where development will occur.
If a suggestion does not garner more than 10 votes after three months, it will be set to status "Archived". Items that receive 10+ votes within three months will remain on the board and be sized once they reach 20 votes, as above.
Features and comments are moderated regularly, usually within 24 hours of submission. Veson moderators add tags for easier searching and filtering.
Features with over 20 votes are evaluated by Veson both for alignment with the existing Roadmap, and for the size and impact on the development schedule. If a feature is accepted, the status will change to “Planned” and it will be tagged with the projected calendar quarter where development will occur.
If a suggestion does not garner more than 10 votes after three months, it will be set to status "Archived". Items that receive 10+ votes within three months will remain on the board and be sized once they reach 20 votes, as above.
Generate Email notification when invoice is Approve/Rejected
1. To have an email notification when a user created an invoice and asked for approval. User will benefit a lot and their productivity will be improved. This will ...
Make auto-sent email subject and body configurable as sent by IMOS msg scheduled task when
This regards the auto-forward emails which IMOS msg scheduled task sends to users when emailing Report Designer reports. We would like to suggest the following:
1. ...
The auto-email notifications of TC Lifting Options to contain the vessel name in the email subject
When there is a Lifting Option for a TC Contract extension, IMOS provides the ability to auto-send an email notification message to selected recipients. In the email ...
Enable Tasks and Alerts to trigger emails to alert recepients
Some of our users are only in VIP for specific tasks. They will not be continuously in the tool to monitor the task and alert lists. This suggestion is to add email ...
Enhance email function in VIP
When entering email addresses for VOs,DIs, and LOIs: could the tool behave more like a normal email function i.e. maintain a history, send a confirmation message ...
Auto populate email subject/body
When using the sent email functionality for an Invoice to be able to add dynamic parameters that will populate information automatically. For example Voyage No, ...
Optional email notifications
Create an option for email notifications with preset values, like TCO billing (for example 3 days in advance, TCO invoice to be created), and other tasks which are ...
Automatic email of invoices after approval
Once the invoice is approved by lets say head of shipping, invoices documents to be emailed with attachments to selected users.
Chat functionality within VIP
Rather than having to send outside emails, VIP would have some sort of mechanism to support instant messaging. For instance, chartering coordinators could leave ...
Changes to VIP Email PDF attachment is made for sending Invoices, with standard email texts
Request 1: Change the filename of PDF files when exporting invoices to email. At the moment when using the Email> PDF function from the IMOS Report Viewer on ...
Automatic notification of payment of AR invoices to external brokers
External brokers to get informed automatically when an AR invoice is paid(internally) and that e-mail would be the trigger for the broker to send the commission invoice.
Notification of receipt of payments to brokers
We would like a feature whereby an email is send to the broker as confirmation whenever a claim is settled. The email should contain vessel name, voyage number, ...